Registration for free is also avalable. New tutors are asked to do something in return like translate a page or add several links to their Facebook account and on other website pages. We are also developing the partners' programme to allow participants to benefit from other tutors' registration. So if you are interested in signing up free of charge, please let us know from our admin contact page.
Tutor Website Policies
The website is designed to assist teachers, educators, private tutors in finding turoring opportunities. The website service is provided on "as-is" basis. We cannot guarantee that the service will be free of faults.
Terms of Use
Registration is open to everybody and we do not verify tutor information although we reserve the right to withdraw site registration before the membership fee is paid.
Tutor profile will be shown for all 50.000 world cities on our list if it is in English and if the online tutoring option is selected.
Tutor profile will be shown for home country only if it is not in English.
Tutor profile will be shown for home town only if the online tutoring option is not selected.
The profile must include at least one contact detail (by default email address) for learners to get in touch with the tutor.
Registration fee of €10 is to be paid before we activate tutor account. The fee is paid once only for unlimited period of membership. The fee is not refundable.
Tutor profiles are placed in order according to rating score.
All tutor profiles are ordered according to rating. Profiles with higher rating score receive higher positions.
The rating depends on how accurate and relevant the profile data is. Rating increases if the tutor account contains the photograph and copies of certificates. First class free for all learners will also raise profile position.