This is the registration form page for tutors & private teachers from Maimansingh, Maimansingh State, Bangladesh
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«R.G.International» is not a tutoring agency or teaching center so we do not charge high comission fees for every student tutors find on the net & each class they teach. We bring together learners and private tutors across the world no matter the distance. A one-time fee of €10 is charged for tutor registration to cover website maintenance costs. Tutors are allowed to include personal contact details and fill in the registration form in many languages. They may choose to sign up for the period of 3 months free and then decide on the payment. Free membership is also an opportunity. Please, check our terms and conditions page for more.
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Tutors from Maimansingh, Maimansingh State, Bangladesh create an account by completing the form below. The number of students a tutor will find depends on how accurate and professional the tutor profile is. Be interested in presenting yourself. Make sure your profile gives learners a good understanding of what you are like as a tutor. Detailed answers in the form fields will attract more viewers.
The form can be completed in any language but the tutor profile will be shown for viewers from all 50.000 world cities only if it's in English. The registration form is quite long and may take up to 15-30 minutes to complete. Feel free to ask questions from our contact admin page. Get a hint of how a tutor profile page will look like in the end: sample tutor profile